4 private links
collaborative and distributed version control - with Python
my essay on the reliance on appropriation inside the typographic world, and what it means for the whole type business and discipline
a 3D version of the Context Free language
das blinkenlights server
smil rocks
ArtSoftware.org is a wiki for sharing information about free and open source art software
blog by a GNOME hacker/UI designer
a post on the PZI MakeDo exhibition in Rotterdam, featuring a short video on my "Lightwriter" piece
= Leopard's Time Machine for Linux, built on Python and rsync
a python alternative to the singleton design pattern
an argumentarium for Python
beautiful graphic+code work done mostly with Nodebox
algorithmic vj software, made with python+gtk/glade+puredata
smooth brush dynamics method
clever hack - using 3D 4x4 matrixes for colour mapping