4 private links
Chris Coyne created a small language for design grammars. These grammars are sets of non-deterministic rules to produce images. The images are surprisingly beautiful, often from very simple grammars.
The ubiquity of frustrating, unhelpful software interfaces has motivated decades of research into “Human-Computer Interaction.” In this paper, I suggest that the long-standing focus on “interaction” may be misguided.
microsoft opentype specification
HEVEA is a quite complete and fast LATEX to HTML translator.
i love you vim
excellent introduction to design patterns
libre audio/video
All kinds of insight about pie menus
Bitmap fonts for terms
Flash-based ASCII-art converter
Serving Hacker Jargon to the Internet since Jan 1995.
Random number generators certainly have their uses, but at times their output can be too harsh to appear natural. This article will present a function which has a very wide range of uses, more than I can think of, but basically anywhere where you need som
The creator of cowsay :D
Lua is a language engine that you can embed into your application. This means that, besides syntax and semantics, Lua has an API that allows the application to exchange data with Lua programs and also to extend Lua with C functions.
A programming game in which two or more battle programs (called warriors) compete for the control of the MARS virtual computer (Memory Array Redcode Simulator).
The Zope Book is available online and in PDF format.
Zenoss Core is an enterprise network and systems management application written in Python/Zope. Zenoss provides an integrated product for monitoring availability, performance, events and configuration across layers and across platforms.