4 private links
phone voices
porn for girls by girls (SFW)
a webserver written in PostScript!
home of all things craftivism
10 ways to fix HTML5, written by the author of JSON
why SEO is pointless for most of the internet
everything on robots.txt
omfg! now i know FLOSS graphics can rock
thanks for the tip
collaborative and distributed version control - with Python
my essay on the reliance on appropriation inside the typographic world, and what it means for the whole type business and discipline
Emma Clarke, the voice of the London Underground, has just been fired for recording and posting some spoofs on her own website (some of her great samples here)
why the web design recruitment industry got it wrong; the alternatives presented are a bit too design-ish for my tastes (why can't you just design it without all the bling?), but some progress on the whole web2.0 thing nonetheless
some nice pointers on how to cut on laptop watt-gobbling
more fire for the pc vs. mac debacle - some great points here; totally echoes my thoughts on the matter, but explained in an excellent, fun and non-geeky way
a 3D version of the Context Free language