4 private links
on social networks and how they ought to work
python recipes
el digg de galicia
grassroots geekdom
The Thinking for a Living series is an ever-growing platform dedicated to the concept of open source design education.
Social network sites (SNSes) like MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo are ubiquitous and today’s youth are spending a great deal of time using these sites to access public life. How is public life shaped by social technology?
Chris Coyne created a small language for design grammars. These grammars are sets of non-deterministic rules to produce images. The images are surprisingly beautiful, often from very simple grammars.
portuguese Debian usergroup
a peer-reviewed journal on the internet
a book by Bruce Damer (full version in HTML)
Design for Community is a book by Derek M. Powazek about how to design and build community features on the web. The book is the result of six years of experience in the web biz and ten months of full-time writing and editing.
Amidst this startling growth it is the producers of these worlds who are confronting in practical terms unprecedented challenges of governing what are in many cases fundamentally open–ended, yet architected, environments.
by danah boyd
Djurslands International Institute of Rural Wireless Broadband