4 private links
./configure && make - v2.0
grassroots geekdom
apple hating (and any OS hating) is always a refreshing sight
yay for OS wars: "OS X antialiasing, especially, it seems, with the monospaced fonts, just isn't as good as Windows ClearType."
doctor mcninja!
the museum of microchip graffiti!
Chip designers have often etched whimsical imagery onto their creations,but as automated tools improved and design cycles shrank, so did companies' tolerance for the improvised extras.
found poetry
"Internet" audience is no different from "traditional" audience. Internet is just another medium of distribution. Once your songs are downloaded from jamendo, they are played just like any other music.
simple and quick overview of how to handle the linux font system
curious account on designing gambling environments
Hollywood puts pressure on techies
marius watz
i love you katapult
geoname.py is a python wrapper around the geonames web service