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beeeautiful posters by iso50 :)~
Silkscreening is such a great happy medium — nestled comfortably half-way between hand-drawn and mass production, more colourful than photocopying and with an aesthetic all its own.
Eyebeam is now accepting applications for the next round of R&D Fellows in the R&D OpenLab.
"The right to be myself, as long as I live! As if I were a sound."
FreeFrame is the open-source cross-platform real-time video effects plugin system designed for use in VJing applications (with bindings for Max, PD, vvvv, AfterFX et al)
The game designers across the nation are playing is; can they design a logo and get it approved without the client realising it's a big spurting penis?
While electronics and computing remain essential elements of the course, his students are also exploring how design can connect with other technologies, such as biotechnology and nanotechnology. The result is a wide range of projects, often speculative an
Under increasing pressure, advertisers look for novel ways to reach consumers.
Clipper ship trade cards are cards that were issued by dispatch lines to advertise specific voyages of clipper ships from one port (usually New York or Boston) to another (usually San Francisco).
wiki del proyecto nomade>>interfase entre software libre y artistas