4 private links
The theme at STL's twice-yearly Telco 2.0 Brainstorm is familiar: "How to making money in an IP-based world". But it has an added piquancy now.
Social network sites (SNSes) like MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo are ubiquitous and today’s youth are spending a great deal of time using these sites to access public life. How is public life shaped by social technology?
portuguese freeBSD usergroup
a peer-reviewed journal on the internet
by danah boyd
running OpenDNS on the WRT54GL router
internet access in remote locations through UUCP = wowies
Operating system vendors are forced to constantly patch their software to keep consumers protected from the latest digital threats. But which operating systems are the most secure?
Verizon and other cellphone companies mark up the cost of text messages by at least 7314% when compared to their rates for data transfer services.
Djurslands International Institute of Rural Wireless Broadband
Zenoss Core is an enterprise network and systems management application written in Python/Zope. Zenoss provides an integrated product for monitoring availability, performance, events and configuration across layers and across platforms.
Free (as in speech) Web Proxy application
A project to create a collection of Pd patches, that make Pd easier and faster to use for people who are more comfortable with commercial software like Reason(tm) or Reaktor(tm).
The world's largest wifi community