4 private links
I wanted a cheap, small headless machine that I could use as a Samba server and BitTorrent client so I could leave my workstation off when I wasn't using it.
Ebox management tool Firewall Transparent proxy Content filter NTP Server Users and groups administration Mail server
Mason is a powerful Perl-based web site development and delivery engine. With Mason you can embed Perl code in your HTML and construct pages from shared, reusable components.
Openfiler is a powerful, intuitive browser-based network storage software distribution. Openfiler delivers file-based Network Attached Storage and block-based Storage Area Networking in a single framework.
lessdisks is a "diskless" terminal project based off of a standard debian distribution with as few changes as possible. it was developed at freegeek to continue the use of older hardware and reduce computer consumption
This topic is hotly debated at regular intervals on comp.fonts. Terry Carroll. provides the following analysis of current [ed: as of 6/92] legislation and regulation regarding fonts and copyrights in the United States.
from the Linux Documentation Project
Free Geek was founded in February 2000 to recycle computer technology and provide low and no-cost computing to individuals and not-for-profit and social change organizations in the community and throughout the world.
from the paper-ballots-never-have-software-problems dept.
Google Tech Talks
A collection of some of Jim's posts on FlashKit.com, on various Flash actionscript-related topics.
We get to check your computer to see what you are doing and if we don’t like it, we can change it around until we do.
The libsl project is an open source effort to create a stable platform for third-party Second Life development.
Scrapers and spiders with Ruby and Python