4 private links
eclipse+python=yay (now, how can one install pydev without the clunky Java baggage that Eclipse asks for...)
a GUI for MacPorts - Looks a lot like Synaptic, but on MacOS!
on using c and assembly for game engines and graphics, references to doom and quake
free lightweight webserver, supporting python & ruby, great for small web-based projects
also, great intro to debugging
css layouts, easy as pie
A question is infrequently answered either because few people know the answer or because it concerns an obscure, subtle point (but a point that may be crucial to you).
how to speak correct python
a place to find and store code snippets
working with Django in an offline environment
oooh, python hacky stuff :>
Far too many chess players have died for us to stop hacking for hack’s sake.
nifty IRC moderation system
really useful tips for mysql/LAMP-based webapp development
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