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Windows XP Themes, XP Skins, XP Visual Styles, Icons & Wallpapers for your ultimate desktop experience!
Windows Customization
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Local Souvenirs and Typefaces from Northern Cities • Sept 15-Sept 25, 2005 at Design Museum
Baby Cages keep me safe from my pit bull puppy doggy
Compare fonts for the screen
Low Budget Stock photography
I'm interested in anything associated with illustrated children's books from the mid-1940's through the mid-1960's, give or take a few years.
The Face of Things
Make magazine held a session at foo camp where they were bopping balloons (for science!) and I managed to capture these snaps.
On this site I use a server side scripting language called PHP to calculate the answer from the numbers submitted by the user.
The Samurai Soduku puzzles is another variation of the original Sudoku Puzzles made popular by the Times Newspaper. The game is essentially the same except it consits of 5 sudokus which are linked via the centre one, which will provide even the experience