4 private links
A portfolio made in MS-Paint
I had 315 respondents before I closed off my survey on font terms. In general, the results were along the same lines I would have quessed, but less strong/clear in many areas, and there were a couple of surprises.
Over the years, novelist Neal Stephenson, has had at least a couple different pages where he’s explained why he’s chosen to limit the access he provides via email, interviews, and phone calls. It appears to be something he’s given a lot of thought to.
The things that are meant to make you feel more connected today often turn out to be insubstantial time sinks — empty, programmatic encouragements to groom and refine your personality while sitting alone at a screen.
Zine is a personal publishing platform a.k.a. weblog engine written in Python. It's Open Source, free and developed with a focus on security and usability.
open source twitter - yay!
Anonymous is the source of 91% of all internet truth and justice.
allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML)
an alternative and exciting mmog approach