4 private links
From the initial idea of getting a macbook logic board and making it run again, my best friend and I had been toiling with several ways to display the repaired innards of an older macbook.
A Potato-Powered Web Server
how to make an adapter to use VGA output as an extra USB port
I have been experimenting today with controlling the RGB lines of a VGA connection on a computer monitor using Arduino. The results have been quite promising -- in fact, it was very easy to do and the outcome was considerably better than i had anticipated.
a DIY Linux phone!
controlling lcd's with arduino
the museum of microchip graffiti!
The aim of this books is to teach you simple analogue and digital electronics at a practical level.
Making the World a Better Place, One Evil Mad Scientist at a Time
The Warper is a single lens projector that attaches to your computer monitor and allows you to enlarge and project images onto a wall, movie screen, white sheet, etc.
Fabbers are a relatively new form of manufacturing that builds 3D objects by carefuly depositing materials drop by drop, layer by layer. This website provides an open source kit that lets you make your own simple fabber, and use it to print 3D objects.
How to make a webcam work in infra red