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Welcome To The Old Internet Again!
Adventure Game Studio allows you to create your own point-and-click adventure games, similar to the early 90's Sierra and Lucasarts adventures. It consists of an easy-to-use editor to create your games, and a run-time engine to play them.
1945 hand-drawn info visualisation
great archive of GUI history
an ascii art-oriented bitmap file format
the motherlode of bbs/ascii/ansi artwork and history
on early web aesthetics
The UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library Department of Special Collections has selected and digitized 5,124 of the more than three million images contained in the Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles Daily News photographic archives.
beeeautiful posters by iso50 :)~
The Fairlight CVI premiered in 1984/85, for around $6,500 USD, and came in beige or black. It's a hybrid Analog Digital video processor, designed by Australian engineers Peter Vogel and Kim Ryrie.
Comics are great because as they get older not only do they get more valuable (at least my future children hope so because they ain't going to no college unless a certain Mr. Spiderman can afford to send them) but they also get funnier.
Clipper ship trade cards are cards that were issued by dispatch lines to advertise specific voyages of clipper ships from one port (usually New York or Boston) to another (usually San Francisco).
For almost fifty years publishers like IPC and DC Thompson were cranking out weekly titles with names like Tammy, Judy, Mandy, and of course Bunty, the first British girl's comic.