Daily Shaarli

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July 15, 2010

jPdf Tweak - Swiss Army Knife for PDF files

jPDF Tweak is a Java Swing application that can combine, split, rotate, reorder, watermark, encrypt, sign, and otherwise tweak PDF files. You can use it to make printable booklets from your PDFs, to add PDF bookmarks, effects (page transitions), to combine multiple PDF files, to watermark them, to rotate pages that do not fit, to attach files to your PDF, to encrypt and sign your PDFs, to change metadata (like author or keywords), and much more.

Conectar Asterisk a la red GSM - chan mobile - Linuxmall Wiki

la meta de este mini how-to es enrutar las llamadas desde los anexos internos IP de un servidor con Asterisk hacia la red GSM y vice versa usando un canal Bluetooth ademas de la posibilidad de enviar y recibir mensajes de texto SMS.