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Freeware fractal flame editor for Windows
A project to create a collection of Pd patches, that make Pd easier and faster to use for people who are more comfortable with commercial software like Reason(tm) or Reaktor(tm).
OpenDesigns is a initiative that try to share open/free/libre designs of any kind of objects. Any design is released under the Libre Designs General Public License.
File-sharing is causing worldwide havok, costing billions of dollars and creating unemployment. It’s true that some people are feeling the P2P effect; they’re called ‘physical pirates’ and one of them says that file-sharing has ruined his business
There's a lot more to making a business decision for OSS than just the up front cost. As the Open Source zealots like to say, "Free as in freedom, not as in beer."
What's the real total cost of ownership?
Since jettisoning all of Microsoft products three years ago, Ernie Ball has also gained notoriety as a company that dumped most of its proprietary software--and still lived to tell the tale.
Clipper ship trade cards are cards that were issued by dispatch lines to advertise specific voyages of clipper ships from one port (usually New York or Boston) to another (usually San Francisco).
I tried irssi and immediately found it to be the most intuitive and easy to use IRC client yet. It has the features I want in an IRC client and I have been using irssi ever since.
wiki del proyecto nomade>>interfase entre software libre y artistas
Talk to someone who has worked in IT for decades and more often than not, they'll regale you with stories of the "good old days," when the workplace was lively and creative juices flowed.
This document attempts to list most of the hardware known to be either supported or unsupported under Linux.
Knoppix is based on Debian GNU/Linux and includes many useful applications such as Abiword, OpenOffice, Gimp, Konqueror, Mozilla, Apache, PHP, MySQL along with hundreds of other open source applications.