4 private links
conference video
The GNE Museum is a guide to the Game Neverending Prototype game.
It was, quite simply, our greatest prank to date.
@ The Extensis Community Blog
ScatterChat is a secure instant messaging client designed for non-technical users who require secure and anonymous communications. Our typical end-users include human rights and democracy advocates operating in hostile territory.
OJR's design experts review usability research and offer suggestions on how you can make your online articles better connect with readers.
3d OpenGL livecoding environment
This project provides a meeting place for London based artists who use and develop open source software as their creative tool.
audio visual software for linux since 1999
Dyne:bolic has lots of power, but you might have some special needs. For example, maybe you want to include some of your own media files so you can take your studio kit into the world with you.
A 40 step review of good processes and habits to run a Web design business.
Fatpath does mathematics on path points. In essence, it adds text paths together.
for independent developers
WP-Cache is an extremely efficient WordPress page caching system to make your site much faster and responsive.