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Pexpect is a pure Python module for spawning child applications; controlling them; and responding to expected patterns in their output.
MozillaZine Knowledge Base
El proyecto Pasodoble es un proyecto paralelo y personal basado en el proyecto TANGO.
The Tango Desktop Project exists to help create a consistent graphical user interface experience for free and Open Source software.
on the inevitability of plagiarism
By Bertrand Russell; illustrated by Franciszka Themerson
Closed source virtual worlds exist already - Second Life, There and Active Worlds - but we needed a metaverse engine that is flexible, scalable and that we can customize to an extent not possible within individual proprietary worlds.
The world's largest wifi community
For almost fifty years publishers like IPC and DC Thompson were cranking out weekly titles with names like Tammy, Judy, Mandy, and of course Bunty, the first British girl's comic.
Anybody who bothered to read a clickwrap or shrinkwrap agreement would never install any software, click on any link on the Web, open an account with anyone, or even shop at many retail stores. The terms of these agreements are onerous and ridiculous. We
An open-source toolkit for a laptop computer that enables its user to "liberate" pay-per-use wireless networks and create a free, open node that anyone can connect to for Internet access.
Putting any old video file - like the DivX/Xvid-encoded videos you've downloaded with BitTorrent - onto a DVD to play on your TV can be a daunting task. There's plenty of software that tackles this sort of thing for a price, but as a lover of open source
One of the most innovative casual games of 2006, flOw, is breathtaking both as a game and as a work of art. The concept, the environment, the gameplay, and of course the music all come together to create an atmosphere that feels immeasurably deep to the s