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Picture Wall - 60 pics
Design Better Data Tables – Mission Log – Medium
baldinger•vu-huu | Studio
Fall of the Designer Part V: Self-flagellation — Eli Schiff
Designer Duds: Losing Our Seat at the Table - Mokriya - Quora
Dear Data
Josip Kelava on the Behance Network
Work by Mig Reyes
CODE:FREE Magazine
Beautiful Web Typography v5.3 Edge of the Web presentation
Web Open Font Format for Firefox 3.6 at hacks.mozilla.org
Liam’s Pictures from Old Books
compfight + a flickr™ search tool
40 Tutorials for Creating Highly Detailed Icon Designs
Font terms survey results | Phinney on Fonts
HDR tutorial: how to create HDR photos with free Qtpfsgui and GIMP
Tapping Creativity: 10 Ways to Hurdle Writer's Block
How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio - Core77
Font Squirrel | Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses.
The History of Visual Communication
3 Tips to Make Writing Less of a Struggle | Copyblogger
Flickr: Code Sketches
Techdirt: Ideas Are Everywhere... So Why Do We Limit Them?
Neatorama » The Evolution of Tech Companies’ Logos
A List Apart: Articles: Understanding Web Design
"Flight thru Instruments" and the Fine Art of Instructional Illustration
Viral Impact on PR - Motorola Responds About Using Penis-Like Imagery on Phones
mnartists.org | How Creativity Is Killing the Culture
— iota
Heuristics for User Interface Design
30 Usability Issues To Be Aware Of
O'Reilly Network -- Interview with danah boyd
The cranky user: What ever happened to Web engineering?
User Interface Design for Programmers - Chapter 1
Things You Should Never Do, Part I - Joel on Software
Pathfinder: Explained | BittBox
Create Digital Motion » Illuminating Lettering as Digital Process, in Elegant, Open-Source Mac NodeBox
mprove: The Interface of Kai Krause's Software
kirupa.com - Resource for Making Designers better Developers
symfony Web PHP framework
hicksdesign: design for print and new media
Designers are Wankers : what are we? : designers are wankers explained
Red Hat - Liberation fonts.
The OpenType Font File
How to Silkscreen Posters and Shirts
Mims's "This Is Why I'm Hot": A Graphical Dissertation on America's Number One Song by Rob Harvilla
An open letter to Frank Gehry. - By Jonathan Lethem - Slate Magazine
The Big Page of Branding & Corporate Identity Design
19th century Shipping Posters - a photoset on Flickr
I S O 5 0 - The Visual Work of Scott Hansen
Espacios publicitarios - a photoset on Flickr
Flow in Games
Design Principles
NUMBER27 / The Work of Jonathan Harris / Information Design
Concise, SCANNABLE, and Objective: How to Write for the Web
DSType 4.0
Flickr: Photos from Andy Rosen
designing {with} typography
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