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Picture Wall - 43 pics
Design Better Data Tables – Mission Log – Medium
GitHub - kylemcdonald/FreeWifi: How to get free wifi.
Fund-raising and self-publishing (the open source way), Part two | opensource.com
CODE:FREE Magazine
USB Boot CD for Ubuntu 8.10 - Boot without BIOS support | USB Pen Drive Linux
Beautiful Web Typography v5.3 Edge of the Web presentation
Moleskine Hipster PDA case
40 Tutorials for Creating Highly Detailed Icon Designs
How-to: Deploying PyQt applications on Windows and Mac OS X - Ars Technica
How-to: Deploying PyQt applications on Windows and Mac OS X - Ars Technica
HDR tutorial: how to create HDR photos with free Qtpfsgui and GIMP
How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio - Core77
There is no setup.py uninstall « Motho ke motho ka botho
Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart (updated) - Boing Boing Gadgets
3 Tips to Make Writing Less of a Struggle | Copyblogger
zsh: The last shell you’ll ever need! « Fried CPU
Gaisai Haolah: SuperCollider for Human Beings
Setting a custom Gtk theme for specific applications « urukrama’s weblog
7 "must read" Linux tutorials | Linux Screw
ActionScript 3 Workshop Slides
YouTube - As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation
Debugging Django
How to debug a django web application with autoreload
UNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits
Same Con to Hoyci » Offline Development With Django
Ecstatic Days » How to Write a Novel in Two Months
Sync WM5 & WM6 with Evolution, without ActiveSync « Blog do Birkoff
Slashdot | Earning Money with Open Source Software?
Realtime webapps using Django and Comet
How many things can you plug into an electrical outlet before it catches fire?
ActiveState O'Reilly Python cookbook code samples ratings review
The cranky user: What ever happened to Web engineering?
Ubuntu Unleashed: Howto: Completely Transparent Shell on your Ubuntu desktop with Compiz Fusion
The First 5 Essential Tweaks I Do in a WordPress Blog Installation
Six ways to write more comprehensible code
Pathfinder: Explained | BittBox
Open Culture: Foreign Language Lesson Podcast Collection
kirupa.com - Resource for Making Designers better Developers
How to Silkscreen Posters and Shirts
Linksys WRT54GL
Google AdSense: Facts, FAQs and Tools
Installing using an RPM file « Ubuntu Blog
4 Easy Photoshop Techniques to Make Your Pictures Pop!
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