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Picture Wall - 32 pics
intercooler.js - Simple AJAX using HTML attributes
Adding a subtle touch of glow to data visuals - Visual Cinnamon
Web Typography for non-designers
Work by Mig Reyes
Beautiful Web Typography v5.3 Edge of the Web presentation
Web Open Font Format for Firefox 3.6 at hacks.mozilla.org
40 Tutorials for Creating Highly Detailed Icon Designs
How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio - Core77
Font Squirrel | Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses.
PHP Apache MySQL pour Windows avec WampServer
ActionScript 3 Workshop Slides
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) - Joel on Software
Martian Headsets - Joel on Software
A List Apart: Articles: Understanding Web Design
A List Apart: Articles: Findings From the Web Design Survey
Heuristics for User Interface Design
30 Usability Issues To Be Aware Of
Josiah Cole » 19 Things NOT To Do When Building a Website
kirupa.com - Resource for Making Designers better Developers
symfony Web PHP framework
hicksdesign: design for print and new media
Linux Font Equivalents to Popular Web Typefaces - Monday By Noon
faith 47
Google AdSense: Facts, FAQs and Tools
A List Apart: Articles: The Trouble With EM ’n EN (and Other Shady Characters)
I S O 5 0 - The Visual Work of Scott Hansen
A List Apart: Articles: Sliced and Diced Sandbags
S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System
Concise, SCANNABLE, and Objective: How to Write for the Web
Eric Meyer: CSS
{ style:phreak; }
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