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Picture Wall - 19 pics
myles/awesome-static-generators: A curated list of static web site generators.
intercooler.js - Simple AJAX using HTML attributes
Building Friend Networks with Django 1.0
PHP Apache MySQL pour Windows avec WampServer
ActionScript 3 Workshop Slides
Debugging Django
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) - Joel on Software
Martian Headsets - Joel on Software
Same Con to Hoyci » Offline Development With Django
Realtime webapps using Django and Comet
A List Apart: Articles: Findings From the Web Design Survey
RussellBeattie.com - OMGWTFBBQ: Open Source PHP5 News Reader
The cranky user: What ever happened to Web engineering?
Batik SVG Toolkit
Apple Safari for Windows: The world's slowest web browser - Joel on Software
Josiah Cole » 19 Things NOT To Do When Building a Website
kirupa.com - Resource for Making Designers better Developers
symfony Web PHP framework
hicksdesign: design for print and new media
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